
In 1986 I got a new job in Shell, in London. We bought a house in Woking, thinking it would do for a few years, until the next job move. As it turned out, all my next job moves were within the London office, so we stayed there for 27 years till after I retired.

Not long after we moved in, we were visited. Stu Shiffman and Avedon Carol were in the country again. From the timing, it would probably have been for the 1987 Worldcon, Conspiracy ’87, again in Brighton. They and Rob Hansen came over to see us.

Four consecutive TAFF delegates together in the same room – imagine!

Actually, you don’t have to imagine. I have the photographic evidence.

TAFF Winners 1981-84: Avedon, Rob, Stu, Kevin
TAFF Winners 1981-84: (from left ) Avedon, Rob, Stu, Kevin [Photo by Diana Smith]