You know you’re middle class when…

… the first of the coalition government cuts to affect you is the halving of the Feed In Tariff  for electricity generated by solar PV panels.

A few weeks ago, we called the chap from WREN, the Wadebridge Renewable Energy Network, about getting solar PV panels on our roof. He came within a couple of days, gave us a quote within a week and a contract arrived from the installing company within another week, showing installation in mid-January. Unfortunately, the contract was slightly wrong, so the following Monday, I called the company. The guy who answered took on board my correction and then carefully explained that morning’s government announcement of the reduction in the FiT from 43p to 21p (expected, more or less) and the bringing forward to 9th December of the cut-off date for registering new installations to get the 43p – not at all expected. Everyone was working to 31st March 2012, the previously announced date. The company said it was trying to fit in all the contracted work by the new deadline, but it became apparent that they wouldn’t be able to include us. We could have applied at any time over the last two or three months and we thought we were in good time. Irritating.

… you’re irritated (that word again) that November is staying too warm to warrant fitting the winter tyres you bought in August.

After two winters when our large, rear wheel drive estate car couldn’t get up our drive on the snow, and needed a push from friendly passers-by to get from the kerb to the middle of the road after dropping off number two daughter at Uni, I decided to buy winter tyres for this year. I planned well ahead and bought a set of tyres and wheels, which sat in the garage for months. I was fully expecting to have to fit them at the beginning of November, if not before, when temperatures reached 7C. But we had a warm October and November has stayed mild, so I’ve been continuing on the old summer tyres, hoping they wouldn’t wear down to illegal in the meantime. I finally bit the bullet and swapped them this week. And if it stays warm all winter, with no snow or ice in the south-east or south-west, then you know who you have to thank.

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