
Please feel free to add your comments here. Comments will be moderated, probably taking less than 40 years…

3 thoughts on “Comments

  1. WOW! A TAFF report by Kev. I remember enjoyable conversations with Kev and it is good to read words from him. One thing I do not remember, though, is calling somebody an asshole.
    Oh, well, I never claimed to have a perfect memory.
    Anyway, thanks, Kev, for this report. You brought back some fine memories.

    Marty Cantor

  2. Congratulations! There has certainly been much ado about Nothing in fannish circles, at least the greyer ones. Crogglement, as John Clute wouild say, exfoliates. I imagine you patiently waiting until a full year beyond Steve Stiles’s record 39-year procrastination (1968 trip, report published 2007) before making your Machiavellian move. The Guinness Book of Records must be agog!

    I’ve updated the relevant pages of the TAFF site at with links….

  3. Received from Moshe Feder 2022/08/12 at 10:17 am

    Welcome back to contact with what’s left of fandom!

    Your achievement in finally publishing a trip report after such a long time is rare indeed and breaks the previous record for gap length — held by the late Steve Stiles — by one year.

    I was pleased to see myself mentioned, of course, but have to offer a correction since you have slightly misremembered our walk through Greenwich Village.

    The intersection I was eager to show is not the only place where two streets cross. As you note, that’s not unusual in the part of the city predating the grid. Rather, it was an intersection where two NUMBERED streets that should run parallel SEVEN blocks apart instead intersect, the streets in question being West 11th and West 4th. If you provide me with an email address, I can send you the relevant clip of a map.

    Once again, welcome back. Perhaps we can meet again if I ever get back to the UK. (I’m soon to leave NYC for Naugatuck, Connecticut.)


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