So Long, It’s Been Good To Know You.

Saturday 27th April was a significant day for Diana and me. It was the occasion of a party given by the Woking Writers Circle, and hosted by Amanda, to mark our moving to Cornwall and thus ceasing to be active members after seven years for Diana and five for me, the last two and a bit as Chair. It was a fun evening with Peter and Rosie, Dermot, Greg, Keith, Simon, Dave and our hosts Amanda and Rick, and we were very moved by the poems written for us. Thanks to all, and also to Liz, not able to be there, but sending her own card and poetical best wishes.

For a fuller write-up, see the Woking Writers website here and for photos here.

We thoroughly enjoyed being members, not only for the help it gave our writing, nor just for the help we were able to give others, not even for the way every meeting ended in the pub, but for the people who became friends. We shall miss it and them all. We don’t intend to lose touch, though imaginative ideas about skyping in to meetings every third Thursday will probably come to nought.

We haven’t discovered an equivalent group in Wadebridge or the locality yet, but we’ll look some more, and if we don’t succeed maybe we’ll have to found one ourselves, based on the WWC model.

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